new songs:
Deep Purple, child in time
David Bowie, heroes
Robbie Williams, supreme
Lou Reed, a perfect day
Leonard Cohen, first we take manhattan, then we take berlin
Johnny Cash, hurt
Leonard Cohen – The anthem
Eric Clapton, wonderful tonight
Depeche Mode, halo
Michael Jackson, billie jean
Al Green, let´s stay together
Rolling Stones, angie
Led Zeppelin, stairway to heaven
John Lennon, jealous guy
Falco, rock me amadeus
Fantastische Vier, einfach sein
Amélie, full soundtrack
Aretha Franklin, a natural woman
Oskar Werner recites Rainer Maria Rilke „Du musst das Leben nicht verstehen“
Markus Pühringer
Werdegang: Journalist, Autor und Vater.
Was mich antreibt: Philosophie, Menschen und Sport.
biography: journalist, author and father.
what moves me: philosophy, people and sport.